THE NEW CENSUS: An Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry
The New Census, edited by Kevin A. Gonzalez and Lauren Shapiro, captures the kaleidoscopic range of contemporary poetry, spanning a complex array of aesthetic, formal, and social concerns. It includes over one hundred poems from forty poets: Carrie Olivia Adams, Eric Baus, John Beer, Nicky Beer, Ciaran Berry, Jericho Brown, Suzanne Buffam, Heather Christle, Eduardo C. Corral, Kyle Dargan, Darcie Dennigan, Sandra Doller, Timothy Donnelly, Joshua Edwards, Emily Kendal Frey, Dobby Gibson, Yona Harvey, Steve Healey, Tyehimba Jess, Keetje Kuipers, Nick Lantz, Dorothea Lasky, Dora Malech, Sarah Manguso, Randall Mann, Sabrina Orah Mark, Chris Martin, J. Michael Martinez, Adrian Matejka, John Murillo, Sawako Nakayasu, Kathleen Ossip, Kiki Petrosino, Zach Savich, Robyn Schiff, James Shea, Nick Twemlow, Sarah Vap, Jerry Williams, and Jon Woodward. Alongside the work of these forty bright stars, The New Census features twenty census polls of its poets as well as dynamic illustrations by artist Lauren Haldeman.
“The New Census opens up discourses about race, sexuality, and the neo-capitalist impulse that inform a lot of these preoccupations. This anthology aims to inspire and to complicate a conversation about poetry. About ownership and license. About its complicity in, well, pretty much everything.”